Services Offered
Contract Operations
We will write a contract to specifically fit the needs of your water system. All contracts adhere to State Regulations.
Full Contract
Full Contract for public and commercial water systems. This includes daily visits to the treatment site with complete comprehensive oversight of the systems operations, fulfilling daily treatment obligations, monthly sampling and report to the state, and regulation oversight.
Weekly Contract
Weekly contract for public and commercial water systems. This includes training your personnel on daily routines if needed, visits once a week and review of the operations, taking any samples required and fulfilling any system treatments and obligations, monthly sampling and report to the state and regulation oversight.
Bi Weekly Contract
Bi weekly contract for public and commercial water systems. This includes training your personnel on daily routines if needed, visits twice a month and review of the operations, taking any samples required and fulfilling any system treatments and obligations, monthly sampling and report to the state, and regulation oversight.
Monthly Contract
Public and Commercial Water Systems. This includes training your personnel on daily routines if needed, visiting once a month and reviewing the operations, taking any samples required and fulfilling any system treatments and obligations, monthly sampling and report to the state, regulation oversight.
Quarterly Contract
Commercial Systems. This includes training your personnel on daily routines if needed, visits once a month and reviewing the operations, taking any samples required and fulfilling any system testing and obligations, quarterly report to VT, and sampling regulation oversight.
Services We Provide Above and Beyond Operations Contracts
Drinking Water Sampling
These will depend on your system’s needs and regulations. We provide the proper containers needed for the test. We will provide the proper sampling technique and ensure proper handling. We will refrigerate and transport the sample to Endyne laboratory for analysis meeting the highest quality standards available. We will also explain the sample results when complete.
Operation & Maintenance Manuals
Update or complete Manuals. All information on your water system in one easy to use manual meeting all State and Federal requirements and making your system easier to operate.
Certified Lab Analysis for Chemical and Microbiological Parameters
We Provide all necessary State required equipment: containers and sampling equipment, chain of custody for your particular system, coolers proper temperature control and transportation, timely analysis, parameter results explained to you.
Emergency Action Plans
Update or complete plans. Put important information in an easy quick location for reaction. Put together a numeric plan of action and implantation plan consisting of Names, Numbers, Contacts, Plumbers, Electricians, Administrators, Operators, State of Vermont, New Hampshire Electric co., Hardware Store, Rental.
Source Protection Plans
Update or complete plans. Utilizing USGS data bases and tax assessment data putting all the data in one easy plan.
Lead & Copper Plans & Regulation Requirements
We write and maintain Lead and Copper plans that meet State Requirements.
Bacteria & E-coli Plans & Regulation Requirements
We write and maintain Bacteria and E-coli plans that meet State Requirements.
Leak Detection Services
We will deploy all our means to help your earth excavator or we work with your excavation company to assist in finding and repairing any size leak.
Consumer Confidence Reports
Yearly required report completed and filed with the State. Copied to all users of the system Required.
Drone Drinking Water Tanks
We use a drone with cameras to evaluate drinking water reservoirs for sediment and structural inspections required by the State every five years. If needed we can get quotes for cleaning and repair.
Contingency Plans
What do you do when all else fails? Alternative water sources available.
Disinfection Byproducts Plans & Regulation Requirements
We write and maintain Disinfection Byproducts Plans that meet State Requirements.
Chemical Feed Systems Installed & Maintained
All types approved by the State and Federal standards.
SCADA Systems Available
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System. Monitor and control from a cell phone.
Permit & State Regulation Issues
We specialize in State Permits and State Issues. Many happy client references available ranging from no permits to new permits.
Systems We Currently Operate
Housing Communities, Apartment Complexes, Restraints, Schools Private and Public, Golf Courses, Market Center Complexes, Hardware Stores, Auto Dealerships, Post Offices. If you have a water system we are able to operate and maintain it. We currently operate the only fluoride removal system in the State.